We air-conditioning the ‘ Festes Decennals de la verge de la Candela de Valls’

 Circus tent air conditioning

We air-conditioning the “Festes Decennals de la verge de la Candela de Valls 2021+1”

En TST Servicios Técnicos hemos ofrecido nuestra amplia experiencia en climatización, proyección e instalación de los equipos necesarios en los 3 espacios clave para la celebración de eventos las fiestas de Decennals de la verge de la Candela de Valls (Carpa “Vela Gran, Pabellón Municipal de Deportes y carpa en pleno núcleo de Valls.

At TST Technical Services we have offered our extensive experience in air conditioning, projection and installation of the necessary equipment in the 3 key spaces for holding events, the fiestas de Decennals de la verge de la Candela de Valls (“Vela Gran” tent, Municipal Sports Pavilion and tent in the heart of Valls.

Heating for a circus tent of more than 2,500 m²

We air-conditioned a large circus tent with more than 2,500 m² with capacity for more than 2,500 attendees. Our specialized air conditioning technicians carried out the temporary heating installation with our high thermal performance units Hercules and Zeus and ducts aimed at energy efficiency in common spaces to achieve maximum comfort for attendees.

You can find out more about our temporary air conditioning solutions and rental equipment by clicking here.

TST Torres Servicios Técnicos - consultas@tstservicios.com

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